May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the Stubton Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2019
1. The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16th May 2018 were read and approved as a correct record.
2. Financial Report
The Clerk briefed the meeting on the financial affairs of the Parish Council. The bank balance is healthy, currently standing at £3,781. It was explained that the Parish Council should only hold reserves at around double the amount of the Parish Precept – in Stubton’s case this would be £2,400. However the extra money came from grants from SKDC and a reimbursement of funds from VETO and this money was earmarked for the village speed restriction gates. Additionally, money had been accrued in order to meet the expense of an election (which had proved unnecessary as the election was uncontested).
3. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman summarized the activities of the Council over the previous year.
He pointed out that Stubton Parish Council had adopted several policies in relation to the new GDPR legislation. The relationship with the two largest entities in the village Beeswax Farms and Stubton Hall were in good form and there was excellent collaboration when necessary. A very good working relationship with Rowan Smith of Lincs CC Highways was being developed with the help of County Councillor Maughan .
The village had fared well in the first two rounds of the 2018 Best Kept Village competition and it had been agreed to enter again this year.
The speed restriction gates project for the village was progressing well.
The Chairman went on to thank County Councillor Maughan for his work on behalf of the village over the past year. He then welcomed newly elected District Councillor Milnes and congratulated her on her success.
He welcomed two new Parish Councillors, Cllr Rick Crooks and Cllr David Butler to the Council and he thanked the retiring Councillors Linda Stevenson and Hugh Wilson for their time and effort on behalf of the village over the past 20 years. As Mr Wilson was present he was presented with a gift on behalf of the Council. Arrangements were in hand for Mrs Stevenson to receive a gift.
4. Any Other Business: None
5. The next Annual Parish meeting will be held in May 2020.