Report for Stubton Parish Council 2023-4 – Jenny Taylor


Special thanks go to Geoff Dorrity and Zoe North who, for 2 years, worked tirelessly to make sure that the issues presented them were dealt with promptly and efficiently. Thanks also to Teri England and Andrew Watkins for their support and clear reasoned thinking over that time. Stubton is a lovely little village with many residents ready to help. The friendly atmosphere I’ve experienced throughout the 3 years I have been here have shown me how a small village can survive and prosper and I hope it will continue to do so following the recent resignations.


May 2023 started with 4 councillors and a generally stable situation.

Several issues have continued throughout the year but these have been mainly dealt with.

a. The purchase and installation of an electronic speed sign.

The CATTS group was originally set up to address Speed Awareness and a great deal of work was done by a group of residents. In May, the acting Clerk checked out the price of moveable electronic speed signs and funding was suggested. Hand held guns shared with other villages was also considered but volunteers to actively man the guns became difficult when tried previously. A data survey with ‘Staying Alive’ Lincs Road Safety Partnership, carried out in September for 7 days, found that of the 475 vehicles passing through the village, 50% were exceeding the speed limit. However, under the national threshold measures for government funding, this did not reach the level required to fund installation of speed cameras. A grant from the Community Fund was therefore applied for with the help of a resident, Alex Kirk. After a great deal of work, the moveable electronic speed sign is now available and a team of residents move it round on the four roads, Claypole, Brandon, Fenton and Doddington, every 6 weeks to gain the maximum effect. Thanks for this project go to Alex and the team of residents who are determined to keep this going and to the businesses and residents of the village who have donated funds to make it possible.

b. Flooding on Doddington Lane

This has been a perennial problem depending on the extent of the rainfall. However after a brief agenda item in May about drainage, this was not actually an agenda item for discussion at council meetings until January this year. Several residents worked tirelessly to search out the problem and council members met with the Flood enforcement Officer from Witham and Humber Drainage Boards and with an officer from Highways. Thanks to the then Chair, Geoff Dorrity and a resident, Rob Thornton who, in January, dug out a section of blocked pipe and freed the drain down the right hand side of Doddington Lane. The flood diminished to solve the problem for the village but this is only a temporary solution. It was suggested that the 200m under road drain seemed to be a main problem but there is no evidence of this. The Enforcement Officer has had positive responses from landowners on both sides of Doddington Road, and others involved, and remedial work is now going on to secure a more permanent solution.

c. The Village Sign

From the returns of a survey in April 2022, the village decided on a metal carved sign to be sited close to the Green. Shortly after this time, there was a change of council members and this item was not fully followed up. Last year, the Village sign as a pedestal was suggested and became an agenda item linking it to the Coronation Commemoration of King Charles but a further survey of residents was suggested to be sure the change of plan was the preferred style for the village. Members of the Council have researched applying for a Prosperity Grant to fund this which will hopefully be an early agenda item for the new Council.

d. Village planting

The winning of Best Kept (Small) Village on a number of occasions bears testament to the fact that this little village has the strong support of its residents. This year has been no different. In May, a Garden Group took on the task to create a more collective approach. Subsequently, all of the village gates have been planted with various bulbs chosen for period of flowering and the square beds, trough and areas under the trees have had a regular show of summer flowers and more recently of bulbs. Watering under the Hawthorn tree, mowing grass in designated areas (The Green, grass around the hawthorn tree, end of Cherry Lane, verge outside Ivan’s and outside the Village Hall)….was all done regularly. Let’s hope that this support continues. It is hoped that the ring-fenced budget of £300 to be spent on bulbs and plants will remain since this income will not be replenished via the Best Kept Village Scheme in the future. Plans for this year included a Community Herb bed to be planted in the troughs next to the bus shelter for residents to pick and enjoy.

e. The use of the Flagpole

At the onset of the war in Ukraine from February 2022, Stubton has shown support by flying the Ukraine flag. When there have been other calendared celebrations, an alternative flag was flown. Thanks to Rob Thornton for keeping his own reliable calendar of these days and rising early to hoist the different flags and for the upkeep of the flagpole itself.  

f. Clerking

Throughout the year, Zoe North has managed both her jobs as Councillor and a most able unpaid Clerk! Zoe’s speed of processing not only the minutes but also planning issues and valuable communications with other Clerks and Officers on the District and County councils meant that the recorded details ran smoothly. Despite the demand of her exams and the sad loss of her Dad in July, Zoe showed great strength of character. The loss of Pip North was also clearly a time when the village slowed down to remember a very strong and well loved member of our community. A tree has been planted on land close to the Fenton Road/Claypole footpath in memory of Pip.

g. Improvement of the current footpath from Fenton Road to Claypole.

Thanks to Zoe North who, in May, contacted Andy Savage, Senior Countryside Officer at LCC. The County Council proposed to install six kissing gates last financial year at the locations indicated on the plan as A to F (plan is available on the Stubton PC website). The remaining kissing gates are expected to be installed in the next two years subject to landowner approval. A report has also been filed concerning the state of the Old Coach Road, specifically highlighting concerns near the railway line and certain areas subjected to ploughing. There is an ongoing discussion of LCC officers who are addressing these issues with local farmers. Despite the permissive footpaths being labelled as closed, they are still accessible to the public. Dysons has confirmed that they will promptly update the signage accordingly. (Also see recent email from the Liability Negotiations Officer at National Rail)

h. Finance/Budget/Precept

Indicative Budget 2024/25; Contingency £3000;

Estimated Commitments

Flagpole maintenance £39.82 (from original £55)
Planting £242 (original budget of £300)
Green Bins for Church £100
Asset Maintenance £200
Insurance £300
Mem LALC  £85.56
Clerk £1000
Web management 5 Hours £90+VAT=£108

Total = £5075.68


carry over £4291.77; Precept  £1540 (an increase of 10% on 23/4)

Total £5831.77

Less commitments £5075.68

Remaining uncommitted budget £756.09

Closure of the Good Neighbours and business accounts. Additionally, there was a suggestion to open a savings account offering favourable interest rates for the contingency funds, thus generating additional income.

i. Road Repairs/resurfacing

Doddington and Clensey Lanes are both on the list for this throughout 2024-2026.

This report is far from finished...many more tasks were completed by Geoff, Zoe, Teri, Andrew who sat on Stubton Parish Council 2023-2024. However, this report is no longer needed since the temporary council installed after the resignations voted against having the Annual meeting before the new council was no need to search out more to record!

This was understandable as long as the year 2023-24 does not get left hanging in mid-air with no recognition of the efforts made by The Chair, The Clerk and the other Councillors who made the team!

There are 4 places for co-option onto Stubton Parish Council. If you feel that you can help your village, please collect this application form from this website or from

The Garden House
Claypole Road.

Deadline 23 May 2024
or email:-  stubtonclerk@gmail.