Village Defibrillator


A defibrillator is located in a phonebox at the centre of the village next to the bus shelter.

Village Emergency Telephone Number (VETS). The Village Emergency Telephone number for the defibrillator is 01636 302911. If this number is called up to 10 volunteer telephone landlines will ring simultaneously, and will continue to ring until someone responds to the call.

In the event of an emergency always call 999 first. Then call 01636 302911 if you require the defibrillator or assistance from within the village.

The defibrillator is located in a code-protected cabinet. The volunteers all have the access code, but if you would like to keep a record of it yourself please call Gary or Cath Senior who will provide the number.

Click this link  on how to use a Defibrillator.
