Dc penny milnes

News from District Councillor Penny Milnes

Stubton Parish Council     17 June 2024

Congratulations to all you new Councillors.


Apologies that a representative for the Waste Team was unable to attend this evening. There is the offer of someone coming to your next meeting if issues persist. However, I will report as follows:

SLDC are the waste collectors; LCC the waste disposers. Hence, we work in a Waste Partnership. The positive aim is to improve recycling rates and prevent the rejection of waste at the recycling centre. To ensure that we need the co-operation of residents to sort their waste at home.

The purple lidded bin was rolled out to enable the uncontaminated collection of clean paper and cardboard. This has been very successful and easy for people to use with a 99% recycling rate. Residents with insufficient space are offered alternative solutions.

The silver bin is for certain clean and dry plastics (not soft), cans and glass – minus the paper and card and definitely without dirty and contaminating items such as dirty pizza boxes (which should go in the black bin and not the purple bin) and dirty nappies and other food contaminations (which equally should go in the black bin).

The black bin is therefore for general waste and if in doubt with an item – put it in there. This waste goes to the ‘burner’ in Lincoln, not landfill, and the heat is transferred to energy production.

Unfortunately, the silver bin debacle which began in February – dubbed ‘bingate’ - has ensued following rather early draconian actions – I would say unwise haste – to reject bins and attach tags; dubbed tags of shame but which were meant to ‘educate’ as to the wrong items. The resultant abuse received towards bin operatives and staff was totally unacceptable and rejections were paused.

Last week saw rejections introduced again albeit with a more tolerant approach to number of wrong items. There has been a slew of further complaints – not so much in this ward – as to the way this has been carried out. Hopefully, the message is getting known as time goes on and contamination rates improve from 30%.

A new data driven approach has been introduced to identify hotspots and issues to help focus help and awareness.

Missed bins in the District have also been an ongoing issue. If you have any problems, please report to the Waste Teams or if you have no success, come to me. Information is on the SK website and all households received a brochure.

Dc penny milnes report - June 2024 image 1

More changes going forward:

The Environment Act 2021 places more onus on Councils to collect weekly food waste by 31 March 2026.

SKDC are soon to collect batteries in separate containers to be put out with the kerb side bins. This will cut the risk of bin lorry fires.

The Government statement to put everything in one bin is misleading. All Councils must work towards recycling by 2026.


Just to note, I am once again Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee.

The Clay Pigeon Shoot

Following refusal of planning permission for 150 days, S20/0098, which was not appealed, an Enforcement Action, ENF17/0234, took place when the number of days exceeded the fallback position of 50 days approved in 2000, S00/0471.

This was appealed, Ref: APP/E2530/C/24/3337083, and currently the statements of case from the Appellant, SKDC and the Brandon Wood Residents Association have been lodged with the Planning Inspector and is being dealt with by way of Written Representations. A site visit will be conducted. The main issue is around the noise impacts and the best way to condition the activity. It is a complex situation.

His report is therefore awaited.

SKDC Local Plan

Planning is very policy and evidence based and includes guidance from Government.

The Local Plan is important for guiding development in our area. The submissions resulting from the first consultation are being worked through. The main policies affecting Stubton as a smaller village remain relatively unchanged and are SP3 Infill and SP4 Edge of Village. Stubton has a Neighbourhood Plan which is considered out of date as it does not address these current policies, although much of the background work remains relevant it does not attract much weight in the planning balance.

Land is being allocated for housing developments - to fulfil our targets and have a 5 year land supply - in the 4 main towns – Grantham, Bourne, Stamford and the Deepings - as well as within some of the larger villages.

There has been a call for sites for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to fulfill the needs assessment and hopefully help in any appeal against incursions on inappropriate sites.

Issues around large solar farms and or wind farms are very controversial but often driven by government policy. Food security v Energy Security.

I am always willing to help with any planning queries and to point you in the right direction.

South Kesteven Prosperity Fund

This fund is still open for applications albeit many applications have already been submitted. If you have a project in mind don’t waste time!

Constituency Boundary Changes

For the upcoming election on July 4th, this Ward is incorporated into a new constituency called Grantham and Bourne and no longer in Sleaford and North Hykeham.

Candidates have been declared - in alphabetical order:

     Vipul Arvind BECHAR: Labour Party
•    Gareth Mark DAVIES: The Conservative Party Candidate
•    Anne Elizabeth GAYFER: Green Party
•    Alexander Leslie MITCHELL: Social Democratic Party
•    Charmaine Dawn MORGAN: Lincolnshire Independents
•    Mike RUDKIN: Reform UK
•    Ian Edward SELBY: Independent
•    John William VINCENT: Liberal Democrats

Don’t forget to take ID with you if voting in person.

Published: Friday, 26th July 2024