January 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2020
Cllr M Davis, Chair
Cllr R Crooks
Cllr A Smith
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr D Butler, Cllr A Wise, District Councillor P Milnes and County Councillor A Maughan
There were no declarations of interest.
1. Matters arising from the Minutes
1.1 The Village Hall Committees and the Parish Council are holding a joint meeting to discuss village projects whose expenditure can be met by the Village Hall Committees. The aim is to undertake these projects with the support of the Parish Council and report the proposals to the forthcoming AGM’s of the Village Hall Committees
1.2 Woodland Trust Tree planting: an approach has to be made to Mrs Brainerd the landowner of the land proposed for the planting (near Mayglen). However, first, the ivy on the wall of the grounds to Stubton Hall needs to be removed and the wall made good together with trimming of dead tree branches
1.3 Neighbourhood Plan: review ongoing
1.4 Best Kept Village: A letter was sent to the CPRE but no reply has been received due to the disbanding of the Lincolnshire Branch of the CPRE.
1.5 The arrangements for the 75th anniversary of VE Day are ongoing.
1.6 Cllr Davis has had the plaque made for the village flagpole. The plaque gives the information that the flagpole was placed to mark the Millennium and will be fitted once the oak holding block has been made.
1.7 DC Milnes has forwarded the information regarding the new ruling on septic tanks and this, together with further information researched by Cllr Davis, can be found on the village website.
2. County Councillor Maughan has sent a report which will be posted with these Minutes but his initial comments regarding the state of the lanes around the village was read to the meeting. The link to “fix my street” will be circulated to the village to facilitate reporting of road repair issues.
3. LALC Membership and Training
The Parish Council will be renewing its subscription to the LALC and training courses for the new Councillors have been arranged through this organization.
4. Meeting with County Councillor Maughan
4.1 Cllr Crooks had met with CC Maughan and together they had walked to the railway bridge beyond Hill Farm Furniture. CC Maughan had expressed surprise at the deterioration in the road since his last visit.
4.2 Cllr Maughan has put Clensey Lane between Stubton and Dry Doddington as a priority repair request for 2020/21.
4.3 Cllr Crooks stressed that as many reports as possible should be submitted to Highways using the link “fix my street” as these complaints do resonate with Highways. It is therefore imperative that residents submit reports on a regular basis, if possible with photographs.
4.4 Cllr Maughan had also suggested a traffic survey and it was agreed that a survey would be arranged for both Doddington Lane and Fenton Road. The Clerk will contact Highways to ascertain the format for recording the traffic and if possible secure a pro-forma for the procedure.
5. Precept
5.1 After discussion with particular reference to the salary for the new Clerk, it was agreed to request a Precept of £1,200 but to increase the outlook request to £1,500 .
6. Village Gates
6.1 The gate posts have been delivered and a working party to paint them has been set up to undertake the task.
6.2 Cllr Davis will contact Mr Daubney with regard to a timescale for the erection of the gates due to the fact that Mr Daubney has been experiencing ill health for some time.
6.3 Additionally the actual site for the placement of the gates must be re-confirmed and Cllr Davis will make arrangements to undertake this site visit.
7. Open Forum
7.1 Resident, Mr Frith, returned to the discussion regarding the state of the lanes from the point of view of a cyclist; he pointed out that a serious accident is highly likely. This was accepted and the importance of reporting pot holes was reiterated.
7.2 Resident, Mrs Snook, also raised the state of the lanes in connection with the number of large lorries now travelling on them. This underlined the importance of carrying out the traffic survey.
7.3 Resident, Mr Rose, queried a statement in CC Maughan’s report regarding the £34M underspend on education; the Clerk will email CC Maughan asking the question.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall