June 2020 Minutes



Martin Davis - Chair
Bob Warren - Clerk
David Butler - Councillor
Rick Crooks - Councillor
Andrew Smith -Councillor
Ann Wise - Councillor

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 at 7.30pm


Cllr Martin Davis - Chair
Cllr David Butler
Cllr Rick Crooks 
Cllr Andrew Smith 
Bob Warren - Clerk

County Councillor Alexander Maughan

1.   Cllr Davis welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefed the participants on the Zoom protocol for the meeting. He stated that the meeting may be recorded by anyone present.

2.   Cllr Davis welcomed Bob Warren in his new role as Clerk to the Parish Council. He commended the sterling service that the previous clerk, Mrs. Wilson had given over many years and stated that a presentation would be given in due course when the Council were next able to meet face to face.

3.   Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Ann Wise and District Councillor Penny Milnes.
4.   There were no declarations of interest.

5.   There were members of the public in attendance but none wished to enter the open forum.

6.   The Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2020 were agreed and approved. 

7.   Cllr Davis proposed the introduction of a set of standing orders and suggested a ‘Standing Orders model for smaller Parish Councils’. Cllr Davis agreed to circulate copies of different models to Councillors before the next meeting and in readiness for discussion.

8.   Financial Matters:

8.1.   The Clerk explained the process for this year’s submission of the Annual Governance  and accountability Return.

8.1.1    The Council resolved to accept the Declaration of exemption from the requirement   for a limited assurance review.

8.1.2    Completion of the Annual Internal Audit was noted.

8.1.3   The Clerk read out the Approval of Annual Governance Statement. Cllrs agreed that this was in order and it was approved.

8.1.4    The Clerk read out and explained the Accounting Statements for 2019/20. These were approved by the Council.

8.1.5    The date for the notice of Public Rights and publication of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) was set by the Clerk as being Monday 15th June 2020 to Friday 24th July 2020.

8.2.    Membership of LALC and the training scheme was discussed and it was agreed to continue with both. It was also agreed to cancel the hard copy of the quarterly review as this is now available free of charge online.

8.3.    Cllr Davis stated that the Parish Council had initially donated £1,000 towards setting up the community Defibrillator. At that time it had been agreed that any future costs would be covered by fundraising efforts. Cllr Crooks stated that The Village Hall committee had guaranteed £600 towards the defibrillator fund and that a social event is being considered by The Village Hall Social Committee to provide additional funding going forward. He also stated that the annual running costs were around £200 - £300 dependant on usage. Cllr Butler explained that the battery and the pads had a limited life span and would soon need replacing.

8.4.    A request was made by the village flagpole planting group for a contribution towards the village green (flagpole) planting. A sum of £50 was agreed to be made available. Cllr Davis stated that the village green (flagpole) planting was a great addition to the village and commended the group for their ongoing efforts.

9.    An update for Lincolnshire County Council was given by Cllr Alexander Maughan:

LCC activities in response to coronavirus – all service changes have been published on their website. This is the best place to look for current up to date information.

Waste recycling sites have been recently reopened and are now taking all waste types.

Lincoln Castle reopened this week – this is a welcome addition for residents of the city who have not been able to get out.

Lincolnshire  Resilience Forum - has been supporting thousands of volunteers across Lincolnshire. Thanks were extended to the many people in Stubton supporting neighbours and friends. This has been replicated across the county and the country as a national effort. Cllrs have been receiving weekly briefings on service changes and have made available a small pot of money to local community groups. Stubton has benefitted from this, as have lots of other villages that Cllr Maughan represents.

PPE – Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust been open and transparent in publishing what they have/don’t have. The Council received a donation of 10,000 pieces of PPE from Hainan Province in China; testament to the good relations the county has with this Province.

Highways- The Fenton and Doddington Road reports provided by Stubton Parish Council highlighting repairs needed, were not able to be carried out by the Community gangs in the area. These reports will remain on the system and the works will be completed in due course. Road maintenance has continued through lockdown. Any outstanding issues can be forwarded to Alexander who will follow them up.

Concerns about Cleansey Lane were discussed. Cllr Maughan explained how road repairs were prioritised. Roads currently programmed for improvement are identified by a points rating system. Cleansey Lane has scored 65. A reassessment has been requested by Cllr Maughan to see if further deterioration has occurred which would move the score to the required 70 needed for repairs to take place.

Cllr Davis asked how often road reviews take place. Cllr Maughan explained that there is a review system in place for different types of roads. He encouraged regular reporting of defects by residents as this will increase the score and therefore the likelihood of repair sooner.

Cllr Crooks asked why the road between Dry Doddington and Claypole is going to be resurfaced when Cleansey Lane is not. Cllr Maughan explained that this was currently not economically feasible.

10.   In her absence Cllr Penny Milnes sent a statement on behalf of South Kesteven District Council. (Attached)

11.1    Cllr Butler gave an update of the Neighbourhood Plan and stated that the review is ongoing with no further progress as a consequence of Covid 19 lockdown procedures.

11.2    Cllr Davis gave an update on the Covid 19 Stubton Support Group. He informed The Council that a flyer outlining the types of support available, along with contact details of the volunteers, had been produced and delivered to every property in the village. Subsequently there were a few requests for support. Cllr Davis thanked the volunteers for their support which is ongoing. Anyone requiring further information can contact Cllr Davis.

11.3    Cllr Davis gave an update on ‘The Best Kept Village’ competition. He informed The Council that this would not happen this year due to the disbandment of the judging panel. He was hopeful that a new group would come forward for future years.

11.4    Cllr Crooks gave an update on ‘The Traffic Survey’. He informed The Council that a list of volunteers has been prepared but that the survey would take place when traffic numbers increase again following the current Covid 19 lockdown situation. He stated that the survey would highlight the volume of traffic on Doddington Lane and Fenton Lane which may be linked to the damage currently visible on these two roads.

11.5    Speed Reduction gates – A new contractor (JC Groundworks) has been contacted and a site survey completed. A quote of £1,200 has been received to fix the 16 posts needed to support the gates. The Council voted to accept the quote and Cllr Davis stated he would contact the contractor with a view to carrying out the works.

11.6    Village litter pick – The March litter pick was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid 19 lockdown. It was noted that many residents already pick up litter whilst out walking. Some residents have asked for 2 litter picks per year. Cllrs felt that a litter pick could take place whilst adhering to social distancing measures. Cllr Smith suggested 21st June as this is the longest day of the year. Cllrs agreed to discuss how this could work.

Date and time of the next meeting: Wednesday 29th July at 7:30pm. Format to be confirmed.

Stubton Parish Council      3 June 2020

Report from Cllr Penny Milnes.

These are strange and challenging times, but I am heartened by the great British sense of humour and resilience that abounds!! The sense of community has resurfaced with neighbours all bonding together to help each other.

I hope you have enjoyed receiving the Parish Updates from SKDC whilst they have coped dealing with the effects of the pandemic. I believe they have done a great job helping businesses and residents alike under these difficult circumstances. Credit to all the staff who have worked incredibly hard and shown great flexibility within a virtual system; thanks, should also go the waste collection teams who have continued to provide a full service.

We have held the first virtual planning committee with speakers engaging successfully and it was encouraging to note the large number of ‘visitors’ – far more than might have attended in person – which is food for thought going forward. 

A successful full council meeting was also held virtually with all councillors ‘attending’ and in future will be open to questions from the public.

I volunteered to befriend a lonely person under SK’s much appreciated befriending scheme and I recently awarded £500 from the Ward Member Grant Scheme to a team from Fulbeck and Caythorpe who are making ‘scrubs, for Grantham Hospital. See article attached below.

Nearer to home, the planning application for 150 days shooting at Brandon Wood Clay Pigeon Shoot (S20/0098) is still undergoing consideration and awaiting a report from an independent noise and conditions assessment. The application is contentious as many residents, mainly from Fenton but also Brandon and along Stragglethorpe Lane, are affected.

I hope to ‘see’ you all again soon but in the interim I am always available by phone or email.

Coronavirus crisis: Grantham hospital staff receive extra 'scrubs' thanks to SKDC fund
Posted: 01.06.20 at 13:12 by The Editor

1.   Health workers at Grantham Hospital are getting extra protective ‘scrubs’ thanks to the efforts of a network of volunteers who have received a £500 boost from SKDC.
2.   The cash, from Cllr Penny Milnes’ Ward Member Grant Fund, will help pay for materials for the project.
3.   During lockdown, Council Leader Cllr Kelham Cooke took a Key Decision to double the grant scheme’s funding, giving each district councillor a total of £1,000 to spend on local community projects.
4.   He said: “This project is one example of how we as a council, and individual councillors, can work with charities and community groups across our wonderful district for the benefit of all.”
5.   Fulbeck village volunteer Tina Nolan helps co-ordinate two Facebook groups with Marie Boddington and Lucy Parkes, both NHS workers at Grantham Hospital. They have a team of volunteers producing scrubs, scrub bags - to safely deal with possible contaminated scrubs - and ear protectors to make face masks more comfortable to wear.
6.   Tina said: “The project has grown with the support of the community in Fulbeck and the surrounding area. We were initially part of a much wider Lincolnshire group but wanted to keep our own area front of mind, fulfilling the unprecedented need for scrubs for Grantham Hospital and local healthcare workers.”
7.   Cllr Milnes said: “There is a double benefit; firstly, to support the hospital in their efforts during the crisis, and also to enable the community to use their time and skills in support of our fantastic NHS and healthcare workers, who are busy caring for the wider community.”
8.   The group, which also received £500 in a Lincolnshire County Council grant by Cllr Alexander Maughan, uses donations to pay for materials.