August 2021 Minutes



Martin Davis - Chair
Bob Warren - Clerk
David Butler – Vice Chair
Rick Crooks - Councillor
Andrew Smith -Councillor
Jackie Warren - Councillor

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 25th August 2021

Present    Cllr Martin Davis - Chair

Cllr David Butler – Vice Chair
Cllr Rick Crooks 
Cllr Andrew Smith 
Cllr Jackie Warren
Bob Warren - Clerk

1.   Cllr Davis welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed those present that item 4 on the agenda was the open forum when the public were welcome to raise issues or as questions.

2.   There were no apologies for absence as all Councillors were present for the meeting.

3.   There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.

4.   A number of issues were raised in the public forum.

1.   A resident asked whether it would be appropriate to ask highways if kerbs and drainage could be installed to the frontage of Home Farm Cottage to reduce flooding. Cllr Maughan responded that he could send a note to highways but that in his opinion it would be unlikely as there was not a threat of internal flooding to any properties.

2.   A resident asked if there were any plans to repaint the speed reduction gates as the paint was coming off in places. Cllr Davis stated that he still had some paint left and the intention was to do get this done in the near future.

3.   A resident raised the issue of speeding in the village. It was agreed to make this an agenda item at the next meeting of the PC to discuss options.

4.   A resident raised the issue of sewage smells in the village particularly near the junction of Brandon Road and Cherry Lane as well as from the treatment plant at Stubton Hall. Another resident stated that there were historical issues due to the mixture of drainage types at different properties and the release of grey water in Fenton Lane dyke. It was thought the issue on Brandon Road may be from an inspection chamber and that Anglian Water were probably responsible for investigating it. A resident offered to contact them to see what could be done.

5.   Noise from functions at Stubton Hall was raised by a resident and this was discussed later on the agenda.

5.   The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 were agreed and approved unanimously by the councillors. Cllr Davis signed a copy for the record.

6.   County Cllr Alexander Maughan provided an update on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council. He commented as follows:
-   £10 million of additional highway funding will be made available over this and next year for resurfacing and restructuring on Lincolnshire’s roads. Monies have been made available as a result of an underspend and boosted by reserves. The use of reserves however is not sustainable.
-   Safety improvements are planned for the stretch of A1 with 14 sights identified for safety improvements. The Toll Bar Road junction central reservation gap will eventually be closed as a result of a condition of building a drive-through coffee shop at the petrol station. There is likely to be increased traffic through Dry Doddington and Claypole as a result of this closure.
-   £36 billion has been made available for improvements in public transport in rural areas. The Lincolnshire bus survey is available until 30/8/21 via the council website.
-   Lab reports on Doddington Lane road surface are awaited.
-   Signage for the bend on Doddington Lane is ordered and awaiting construction.

7.   District Cllr Penny Milnes provided an update on behalf of South Kesteven District Council. She commented as follows:
-   She had highlighted to highways the importance of maintaining access to outlying villages and businesses without the need for lengthy detours as a result of the closure of the Toll Bar Road junction.
-   Congratulations were given on Stubton winning ‘Best Kept Village’. The presentation will likely be in October at a Council Meeting. Prize money will follow at a later date.
-   Community grants towards a village information sign have been highlighted to Cllr Warren but may not be straightforward. There may be some monies available from her own ward grant but for a smaller project.
-   Leisure Centres – there are 4 in the district all managed by Leisure SK .They are undertaking reviews of them. Deeping has been closed for Health and Safety reasons following a roof collapse. There is ambition for a new centre. The Meres at Grantham is fairly safe for the present but is ageing and requires expenditure. Leisure Centres are a discretionary service for the Council and monies from the Government to support the South Kesteven budget are coming to an end.
-   The sale and giving away of goldfish at fairs on SKDC land has been banned. 

8.   The Clerk gave a summary of the monies currently available to the PC.

8.1 There were no payments requiring approval.

8.2 There have been no payments since the last meeting.

8.3 The PC currently has available funds of £2432.75.

Cllr Crooks commented that the PC should not be carrying over such a large sum. This was agreed to be discussed at the next meeting.

9.   Planning applications

1.   The Garden House – The PC considered the plans. No issues had been raised with the PC. Cllr Milnes asked if the window would be overlooking the neighbouring property and if privacy had been taken into account. It was established that obscured glass would be used and this type of window required planning permission. Cllr Davis proposed no comment be submitted to SKDC. Cllr Crooks seconded this. This was unanimously carried.

2.   Home Farm Cottage - The PC considered the plans. No issues had been raised with the PC. It was established that the new conditions take into account waste from the village hall and the materials proposed would be in keeping with the village. Cllr Davis proposed no comment be submitted to SKDC. Cllr Warren seconded this. This was unanimously carried.

3.   Cherry Lane – Cllr Penny Milnes confirmed that SKDC had given permission for the fence to be moved and a gravel driveway to be placed. A separate application from the tenant must be made to LCC Highways to create a dropped kerb but as yet no application has been made. Cllr Warren asked whose responsibility was the road-name sign. Penny Mines confirmed this was SKDC. 

10.   Community Matters

1.   Cllr Butler conceded to Mr Wilson to give an update about the Neighbourhood Plan. - A face to face meeting is still awaited – up to now all meetings have been by Zoom. An addendum to the village neighbourhood plan is required. A draft has been sent to J Horton. The plan will be adapted with the addendum as to take it further will require an officer to look at it and a further referendum needed. Cllr Milnes confirmed that the lowest level of change is just an edit to accept infill and edge of village policies and it is important that it is being done.

2.   Deemed to have been previously covered.

3.   Cllr Davis congratulated all residents and volunteers for their efforts in helping Stubton win Best Village. 

4.   Cllr Warren gave an update on the village planting permission. Volunteers are currently maintaining the Hawthorn Tree on Brandon Road to keep it free of brambles. An application was made to highways on 28/7 with no reply. County Cllr Maughan had now contacted highways on our behalf but suggested to go ahead and under plant the tree.

5.   Cllr Warren gave an update on the proposed village information pedestal.  A quote for £3789 has been received for the same sign as Dry Doddington. Cllr Warren contacted Penny Milnes for grant information. The SKDC community grant scheme could be applied for but requires consultation for it to be submitted. District Cllr Penny Milnes agreed to ask if consultation could be in the form of the PC meeting. The Cllrs agreed unanimously to apply for the grant.

6.   Cllr Smith raised the issue of noise at Stubton Hall. He stated that there were more functions recently due to the Hall having been closed for Covid reasons and that the noise was more noticeable both before and after midnight with more complaints from residents. A resident stated that they had stated that the license for the Hall was only until midnight. However, noise was very evident from arguments when guests were leaving and also from an employee driving up and down the gravel drive very late at night. It was agreed that an informal approach to Claire Brainerd the owner would be the first step to resolving some of the issues. The Cllrs agreed unanimously that Cllr Davis would make the approach to Claire.

7.   The telephone box is in need of repair. A number of residents have proposed to create a working party to repair it if the PC would purchase the paint. Cllr Crooks suggested the job would be too great and proposed to get 3 quotes for a professional to complete the renovation. Cllr Smith seconded this. It was carried unanimously.

2.   The next meeting of Stubton PC will be 20th October 2021.