July 2022 Minutes


Rick Crooks - Chair

Andrew Smith -Councillor

Guy Pollard – Councillor

Jenny Taylor - Clerk

Minutes of the Meeting held on

Monday July 4th 2022

1.         Introduction

The chair welcomed the Councilors and 9 residents to this public meeting and informed those attending that they are entitled to take photographs, record audio or video during the meeting. He asked that in courtesy the Clerk is informed of the intention so that the audience are aware and make their own decisions if they wish to avoid being photographed.

Cllr Crooks informed the council that the meeting is being audio recorded by the Clerk for accuracy of minutes. He also said that an item is being added to the agenda after the main meeting which would be held in private since it concerned an employee’s remuneration which should not be discussed in public. No objections to this from the councilors.

2.         Update on Lincolnshire County Council – Councillor Alex Maugham

Cllr Maughan commented on the beautiful celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee throughout the villages in the county and thanked all the volunteers in Stubton who helped arrange these events here.

Highways has cut the budget by 25% and this is reflected in a +2% on council tax.

Fix Our Roads campaign is ongoing. See the website for more details:https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highways-funding/fix-our-funds-to-fix-our-roads

Cllr Maughan did say that he was working to insist that the 25% cut by the government is unacceptable with high inflation and difficulty of accessing materials to mend roads. There is a noticeable deterioration in the quantity of work being done this year due to rising costs.

At Somerby roundabout progress is being made on Grantham bypass southern relief road. Phase 2 is creating new A1 trunk road to link it to the new roundabout on the B1174 which was completed in May 2022. Phase 3 is linking the entry to Old Somerby to the B1174 at this roundabout. Estimate completion date for this is winter 2023. Project is £102m to try to reduce congestion in and around Grantham.

North Hykeham relief roads       - Balfour Beatty has a £100m project to complete the ring road round

Lincoln. Start construction May 2025 and finish is estimated 2028.

£4m Adult Maths Skills has been recognised and supported to provide free lessons to serve a need across Lincolnshire. Prosperity Fund to enable people to do the job they want and access better employment.

Devolution of funds - Lincolnshire council is working with all 10 councils in Greater Lincolnshire to put together a bid for the money and power to be taken from the Government and transferred to the Local Authorities giving ability to spend money locally on priorities such as Infrastructure. This could be a directly elected Mayor or committee of council leaders with Councils working together in agreement.

Closer to home, the Fenton Road renovation is due for an assessment which should be available next meeting. Put forward as a request for construction work similar to Doddington Lane and Clensey Lane.

A resident asked about the progress on the traveller site at Foston and markers on Doddington Lane. Cllr Maughan did not know what the markers were and suggested they were traffic monitoring counters. He would enquire about them.

On the subject of the Foston traveler site, Cllr Maughan said that an application was validated last week and planning for 10-12 pitches will be processed. Cllr Milnes is closely involved in the discussions on gypsy and traveller sites and the lack of allocation. It is a policy failure since this means that an application will generally be passed by the inspector on the basis of need. Policy failure was due to the attitude of the council at the time of the local plan. SKDC have commissioned work to identify the need of gypsy and traveler sites in the district. There will be a number of sites agreed and then scrutiny on allocation to avoid sites being set up in inappropriate places without control. Upsets at Tolney Lane Newark where travelers have left the site has led to purchase of small pieces of land, anywhere and in inappropriate locations at auction and then move onto the sites without planning permission. This has happened at Carlton Scroop.

Cllr Crooks suggested that this PC registered its concern about the lack of policy for travelers. Cllr Maughan responded saying that residents and Councilors should contact Cllr Milnes first.

3.         Open Forum

A resident mentioned the very poor quality of certain footpaths across the fields at Stubton; In particular the one from the village to Dry Doddington where the farmer had made no effort to clear a way for walkers on the designated path. A Request for the Council to write to the County Council on this issue.  Another resident did say that he had had previous non-successful experience with  the same footpath relating that the restitution of the footpath. The fact that this is a footpath rather than a bridle way, a farm vehicle can travel down it and walkers have walked,  has reinstated the footpath status and rejected the complaint. Two paths exist; one following the railway has never been reinstated and one to Dry Doddinton has been reinstated by a vehicle driving across it. Several other footpath problems were mentioned, leading Cllr Pollard to suggest a wider assessment from the County Council asking for a visit to the area to confirm that everything is as it should be.

4.         Procedural Matters

4.1       Apologies for Absence

SKDC Penny Milnes sent her apologies

4.2       Disclosure of Interests None 4.3        Minutes of Last Meeting

These were proposed as a true record of the last meeting by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Crooks, carried and signed by the Chair.

4.4       Resignation of a Councillor

The resignation of Cllr Schaffarczyk for personal reasons means that there are now two vacancies for co-option of a new Councillor.

4.5       Readoption of Standing Orders, Councillor Code of Conduct and Co-option Policy.

Motion: That the Council readopts these policies with review at the next AGM of the Council.

Proposed Cllr Crooks, seconded Cllr Smith

All three policies were adopted with a revision of 15b at part xvi. All residents are to be made aware of planning applications by posting them on the noticeboard and Council’s website. The Council will also adhere to the guidance on planning applications from SKDC when comments are submitted. This guidance is already on the Council’s web site.

4.6       Formal Adoption of AGAR report

This has been previously presented but needs a formal signature by the new Chair. This was done by Cllr Crooks and returned to the Clerk.

4.7       Co-option of Councillors

A brief explanation of events leading to co-option was given by the Chair. Two vacancies are now available and there have been two applicants for these, both parties being present at the meeting. Applications have been scrutinised by the Councilors and Cllr Crooks asked both the Councillors and applicants if they would wish to make comments. Mrs. Flint commented that she has previously been a Councillor at her last village and would work to represent people of the village and help them working as a team with the Council. Cllr Crooks moved that Mr. Watkins and Mrs. Flint be co-opted to the council and invited them to join the meeting.

4.8       Parish Council Web and IT management

Motion: That the Council advertises the voluntary post of Web Manager.

Proposed by Cllr Crooks and seconded by Cllr Smith.

For a long time Martin Davis managed the website. The Council needs a volunteer to do this as Web Manager. It is to be advertised as a voluntary post. Expressions of interest should be forwarded to the Clerk by July 14th.

4.9       Banking

Motion: That the Council confirms the revisions to banking as agreed by email Proposed by Cllr Crooks and seconded by Cllr Pollard.

This confirms  that cheques <£100 can be signed by the Clerk alone and >£100 to be signed by two of the signatories registered with the bank.

Setting this up has entailed problems with delay and processing by TSB but the issue should be resolved by the next meeting. Meanwhile the signing of cheques should not be delayed since both present signatories are still in contact.

5.         Update on South Kesteven District Council – Councillor Penny Milnes

Cllr Milnes was unable to attend due to a prior meeting being booked. Cllr Milnes had been thanked by the Clerk for her feedback each meeting saying that it was valuable but Cllr Milnes did not have any further updates to report

6.         Business Items

6.1       Council Thanks

Motion: That the Chair on behalf of the Council writes letters of thanks to Councillors who were members during the prior financial year.

Proposed by Cllr Crooks and seconded by Cllr Flint.

[Please note that we are not allowed to give gifts to former councillors]

Councillors in question are Martin Davis, David Butler, Jackie Warren, and Joe Schaffarczyk. Motion: That the Chair on behalf of the Council writes to those parishioners who have donated plants for village planting.

Proposed by Cllr Crooks and seconded by Cllr Smith.

6.2       Speed reduction Gates

Motion: That the Council appoints a working party to address this issue

Proposed by Cllr Crooks and seconded by Cllr Pollard

These need painting and minor repair. Two options: pay for them to be painted or set up a working party. The second option was agreed. A resident noted that Martin Davis still has paint left over from the previous time they were done. Volunteers to organize working parties:-

Brandon Road – Guy Pollard

Fenton Road – Hugh Wilson and Jerry Flint

Doddington Road – Cllr Crooks and Keith

Claypole Road – ask Rob Thornton

7.         pdates

7.1       Finance

The current financial situation is displayed on the spreadsheet in Appendix I

Balance at end of 2021-2        £2836.83


Total at start of year               



Tax bill to pay


Insurance Zurich


Green Bins St Martin’s

£  66.00

Key for noticeboard

£    8.00

Total outgoings to date


Balance to date


Mrs Crooks said that there is still a sum of £50 to pay for this year’s planting.

7.2       Telephone Box

The Clerk has contacted Chris Hudson to update me on the painting of the box and he has said he will organize shortly. We realise that with the good weather we should make haste with this so that the telephone box is looking good for the BKVC!

7.3       Village sign

In communication with planning, permission is required. Site is agreed and sign has been decided although it still needs design and build. Planning is the first requirement.

Cllr Watkins suggested asking SKDC for help and support with relief for the planning costs. Cllr Milnes sits on the planning committee and may be able to help with funding and support with ease of passing the plans.

7.4       Meeting with local MP – Councillor Pollard and Cllr Smith – 17/05/2022

Cllrs Pollard and Smith met with the local MP, Caroline Johnson, in discussions on questions of a local nature, planning permission and support for Call Connect. Also some comment on Boris Johnson’s position on Partygate. Caroline Johnson MP was not pleased with the bad impact this event has had. Few  issues pertinent to Stubton except for the lack of acceptable Superfast internet supply throughout the region for everyboby but this is not possible in many villages including Stubton being at the end of a spur. Scheme where a local farmer to erect a mast in a field and we could try that but there didn’t seem to be any no real value to the government to proceed with that.

8.         Correspondence received

8.1       Planning Applications

S22/0961 Brandon Road extension – the council could not comment because the meeting was not quorate with one councillor absent and one with a personal interest. A comment was made online as a no comment.

S22/1188 Westborough and Dry Doddington - development of an equestrian facility on Clensey Lane.

Cllr Smith commented on his concern for the development causing extra traffic build up through Stubton along Clensey Lane. With the Alpaca Farm and Littlegates nursery this is getting more congested at certain times of the day. We cannot guarantee that the only access to the site will be through Dry Doddington or Hougham. Cllr Watkins has read the application in detail. The request is for small ponies indicating children. There is no direct access to local bridleways here without travelling along Clensey Lane. Entrance and exit to the development coincides with those of the distribution centre . The positive angle of the application is the impact of a new business. The national speed limit applies to Clensey Lane and should be moderated.

We welcome business development to this rural area but are concerned about the potential rise in traffic levels and horse movement on a narrow road. We are concerned with safety issues involving children where there is a national speed limit.

Comments will be posted online through the planning website

9.         Date and Time of next meetings

The next meeting is suggested as 17th August; with future meetings 12th October; 14th December