January 2024 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm Monday 29th January 2024

Council members in attendance: Geoffrey Dorrity [Chair]; Zoe J North [Vice Chair and Acting Clerk]; Teri England [Councillor]; Jenny Taylor [Councillor]

Members of the public in attendance: 7


[Statement from the chair]

Open Forum:

The chair made the decision to move the Open Forum to the end of the meeting due to the nature and volume of information that would be given during the meeting.

UPDATE ON SOUTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL [Councillor Penny Milnes] see Appendix 1

Opening of Formal Parish Council Meeting

1.0 Apologies for Absence; Cllr Maughan is unable to attend due to a existing commitment at another meeting.

2.0 Conflicts; No conflicts of interest declared.

2.1 Disclosures of Interest; No disclosures of interest declared.

3.0 Minutes of Last Meetings; The chair put forward a Motion ‘To adopt the draft minutes as a true record of the previous meeting of 15th November 2023’, this was seconded by Cllr Taylor.

4.0 Clerk’s report on any matters outstanding; no matters currently outstanding;

4.1 Resignation of Cllr Watkins; The council would like to thank Cllr Watkins for his time on Stubton Parish Council.

5.0 Finance

   5.1) Finance Report:

Two items of expenditure since the last meeting

£50.00          Donation towards memorial tree as agreed at July meeting

£72.00          Drain clearance Fullbore UK emergency agreement by email

Commitments not yet expended :

 Flagpole maintenance £39.82 (from original budget of £55)

 Planting    £242 (from original budget of £300)

Contingency £2000+ (In election years this would need to be £3000)

leaving 2006.78 in current financial year to carry forward


 5.2) Precept 24/25:

Precept return completed and submitted to include a 10% increase as agreed at Nov meeting

Motion put forward by the chair ‘that the finance report is to be accepted’ this was seconded by both Cllr England and Cllr Taylor.

6.0 Clerking arrangements update for information; The position of Clerk remains vacant. The Chair emphasized the imperative for Councillors to actively promote the vacancy. In response, the Vice Chair and Acting Clerk inquired about the possibility of SKDC promoting the position. Cllr Penny Milnes asserted that promotion primarily occurs through LALC, emphasizing the scarcity of available Clerks.

7.0 Flooding on Doddington Lane further update for information; Drainage issues along Doddington Road are currently under investigation by Dysons, focusing on the examination of the dykes. Encouragingly, there has been a positive response from landowners on the western side. Formal notices have been issued to landowners, urging them to address the necessary work and maintenance on the dyke promptly.

Additionally, concerns surround the under-road drain, presently in a state of disrepair. The matter of ownership is subject to dispute, with Lincolnshire County Council asserting that the drain beneath the road belongs with the landowners under their riparian responsibilities. However, the ownership remains contested, and this matter is receiving the attention of Councillor Maughan. (Further to the meeting LCC have advised that the under road drain is the joint responsibility of the landowners on either side of the road.)

Councillor England expresses gratitude for the commendable efforts of the Chair in addressing these issues. Furthermore, appreciation is extended to a diligent parishioner for their noteworthy contributions towards resolving the concerns at hand.

8.0 Reinstatement of verges further update for information:

The reinstatement of verges along Doddington Lane is currently scheduled. Works to proceed once the land has dried out. Fenton Road has been deemed not sufficiently damaged to warrant repair works presently ; nevertheless, ongoing monitoring of the situation will be implemented by LCC Highways.

9.0 Repairs and resurfacing of Doddington Lane and Clensey Lane update for information: No further update was available at the meeting. Since the parish council meeting, we have met with the Highways Manager for the area and Cllr Maughan. A budget of £1 million has been allocated over the next three financial years. Clensey Lane and Doddington Lane are to be re-laid in stages. The worst parts of Clensey Lane i.e. the section before the railway bridge , and  the road outside Clensey Farm, are scheduled to be completed financial year 24/25. The rest of Clensey Lane in 25/26 and Doddington Lane 26/27. Hougham Road is due to start in the coming weeks.


10.0 Update & Progress on residents’ priorities

10a) Speed sign update
A grant has been successfully secured, which covers 80% of the required funds, leaving a balance of £652 needing to be raised. Initially, local businesses and business owners were approached. This has raised £250 at the present time, but there may be further pledges made. Further to the update issued in mid-January considerable voluntary contributions have been garnered from pledges within the local community. These now total £402. This means that there will be no recourse to parish council funds for the purchase of the sign.

The Parish Council is presently awaiting official permissions for the utilization of lampposts. Once these permissions are obtained, the necessary funding will be released and the sign purchased.

Special commendation is extended to Alex Kirk and the Chairperson for their dedicated efforts in this regard.

Gratitude is expressed to all those in the community and the following local businesses for their generous pledges and donations in support of the speed sign initiative:-

J-Flex, Hill Farm Furniture, NSA Builders and Pro-Fit Mouldings..

10b) The design and installation of a village sign and link this with coronation commemoration:
As previously reported, the Prosperity Fund may be able to fund a village sign through their healthy living funding stream by our demonstrating how all the initiatives of the last few years regarding road safety, increasing accessibility and the negotiations to open up the permissive footpaths in the area, all come together in the promotion of healthy lifestyles. This is particularly relevant if the sign incorporates details about local footpaths, aligning with health criteria by encouraging walking routes around the village. Further to the agreement at the November meeting proactive measures are being undertaken to advance progress on obtaining quotes and designs. The bidding process is scheduled to commence in April and as outlined by Cllr Milnes, it may be better to put the bid in before the final round of the Prosperity Fund distribution begins, and so the bid may be written and agreed by council prior to the next meeting.

10c) Improvement of the current footpath from Fenton Road to Claypole update for information:
The footpath from Fenton Road to Claypole is slated for development in the upcoming year, with an anticipated completion timeline two years earlier than initially projected. A report has been filed concerning the state of the Old Coach Road, specifically highlighting concerns near the railway line and certain areas subjected to ploughing. LCC officers are addressing these issues with local farmers.

11.0 Date and time of next meeting: 20th March at 7:00pm


Open Forum:

A member of the community extended their gratitude to those residents who actively engaged in alleviating flooding-related challenges on Doddington Lane.

Additionally, the Chair offered further appreciation for the contributions made by individuals in the community who have contributed time and expertise to the speed sign bid, as well as those who have contributed funds.



Appendix 1 UPDATE ON SOUTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL from Councillor Penny Milnes

· New SKDC Leader: Cllr Richard Cleaver stepped down as Leader, and Cllr Ashley Baxter narrowly won the election against Cllr Jeal. Cllr Cleaver is now the Deputy Leader, aiming for a more balanced representation.

· Council Tax 2024: Expect a 5% increase in Council Tax for Band D properties from April, addressing budget pressures and ensuring continued service provision.

· Purple Lidded Bins: Starting February, these bins are for dry paper and cardboard only, collected every 2 weeks to boost recycling rates. Check the provided calendar and leaflet for guidance. There is a link to this on the Stubton Parish Council website. https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/waste

· Corporate Plan: A new plan is recommended for approval on April 1, 2034, focusing on key areas like connecting communities, sustainability, economic opportunity, affordable housing, and effective governance. Concerns exist, especially regarding climate change implications.

· SKDC Local Plan: A draft is expected in early February; it's crucial for planning policies in the district, villages, and countryside.

· Depot: £8m approved for a new depot near A1 in Grantham due to the inadequacy of the old site on Harlaxton Road. Planning permission granted.

· Leisure SK: Urgent funds approved to support the three district leisure canters facing financial challenges. A review is underway for the future.

· Deepings Leisure Centre: £850 approved for a community group aiming to reopen the centre, but release is conditional due to feasibility concerns and LCC's intentions as the building owner.

· Fair Tax Policy: Controversially approved, the Council will engage in a Fair Tax policy, using companies without tax avoidance policies.

· Grantham Market: Funding received to regenerate the market, showing promising signs according to a recent visit with stakeholders.