September 2024 Minutes
23rd Sept 2024 Minutes
Parishioners in attendance = 14
Council Members: Sam Mitchell (Chair), Mya Watkins(Vice Chair), Jackie Britten-Crooks, Sam Kirk, Jenny Taylor (Acting Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence – Cllr Alex Maughan (LCC) and Cllr Penny Milnes (SKDC) were unable to attend and sent apologies.
The Chair expressed condolences to a resident, Jean Bennet and her family on the passing of her husband, Ivan. Ivan was well known by many in the village and will be greatly missed.
We would also like to remember Claire, daughter of residents Frank and Angie who passed away after a long illness.
Meeting suspended for open forum
Residents were invited to raise issues during a 15-minute period.
A resident raised the issue of flooding on Fenton Lane about which he sent a message on fixmystreet in May 2024 (reference number 2807172) and it was promised that the work would be completed within 3 days. Another resident said that they reported a similar problem dating back to March 2022. A further resident also reported the same issue in April this year and despite a positive written response from Highways, nothing was done and the problem is increasing. Because of these problems, several properties are regularly left with flooding risk to their properties. None of these complaints have been dealt with sufficiently. The Council will follow this up and we expect the positive response to result in action. Cllr Taylor suggested that in the meantime as many residents as possible should file complaints on fixmystreet. This should certainly add weight to the solution.
A resident suggested there should be more bins for dog walkers since there are only a few in the centre of Stubton. The Council will discuss providing more of these for the edges of the village.
Another resident was concerned about the obstruction caused for elderly people by cars parking on the pavements on Brandon and Claypole Roads. Cllr Mitchell agreed that this also raised danger for the increasing number of infants in the village.
An owl box in the Hall has come down and a resident asked the Council to support Claire who freely gives access to all the people in the village to walk through her grounds when there is no function going on there. The Council will consider what level of support we can give to Claire.
Opening of Formal Parish Council Meeting (Chairperson’s Remarks)
1.0 Apologies for Absence Cllr Alex Maughan and Councillor Penny Milnes are unable to attend tonight but Alex is coming to meet us on Wednesday 25th Sepetember at the Village Hall so questions can be asked then. Penny’s report will be pinned onto the noticeboard and put onto the council website.
2.0 Correspondence –
a. Each Councillor has received private and confidential letters. These have been dealt with.
b. Thankyou to the residents who sent letters, emails and comments concerned about the inappropriate behaviour of two female residents towards a councillor at the end of the last meeting. These have been filed and the Chair had already issued a statement with regard the Standing Orders at the start of this meeting. If there is at any time abusive or inappropriate language or behaviour directed towards councillors, the Clerk or to any other residents during or after our meetings, action will have to be taken and ultimately, after all solutions have been tried, the meeting may have to be stopped or postponed and attendance of the instigators at future meetings banned.
c. Correspondence with the leader of the speed sign team today. Cllr Kirk has suggested he should work with the team to apply for further signs. The speed on the main through roads, Claypole and Brandon are visibly reduced when the signs are visible on these. Having only one sign means that this has to be moved round the four roads leaving these roads vulnerable.
3.0 There were no disclosures of interest.
4.0 Minutes of Last Meetings – these have been read and unanimously agreed by all councillors
Motion: To adopt the draft minutes as a true record of the previous meeting of 17th June 2024 – proposed by Cllr Watkins and seconded by Cllr Britten-Crooks.
5.0 Clerk’s report on any matters outstanding from the last meeting
5.1 Roads – some renovation has now been carried out on the part of Clensey Lane near Alpaca and over the bridge as well as the section leading to the junction at Dry Doddington. We do realise there have been further issues following this work and this is currently being investigated. Cllr Alex Maughan is not here today but has kindly offered to meet Councillors here on Wednesday this week to answer any questions. We have invited residents to join us. This is not a formal council meeting but questions will be recorded to follow up if necessary.
5.2 The Neighbourhood Plan will be discussed at item 11 on this agenda.
5.3 The next meeting of the Council is provisionally planned for 16th December.
5.4 Bank TSB - Due to Councillors’ summer holidays away, updating the Bank details has been difficult. Therefore, the mandate has not yet been changed.
5.5 Extremely sad news arrived this week that our webmaster at LALC, Pete Langford, has suddenly passed away. This was such a shock for those who know him. We will certainly miss his efficient and friendly manner.
5.6 Moveable speed signs – discussion is ongoing and details of further progress at our December meeting.
5.7 ‘Garden Club’ mentioned last time is no longer meeting. However, our request for further planting of spring bulbs with the help of volunteers is certainly ongoing. Also, our thanks go to all of the willing volunteers who have now painted all four sets of village gates.
6.0 Finance – There have been only three payments by cheque for paint for the gates, 2x£50 pots and the LALC ATS (Annual Training Scheme) £50+VAT=£60. So in total £160.
7.0 Biodiversity project SKDC – the limiting factor is available space and that any of the work for this fund has to be carried out on Council land. However more investigation into this needs to be carried out to check what and where we can plan. Requests to use this to benefit the people in the village who will be able to see and benefit from the areas developed. ‘Parish owned and accessible to the public...’deadline is March 2025.
Motion: Consider various projects related to Biodiversity e.g owl boxes, bat boxes, bird boxes, community garden, wild flower areas. Apply for grant to fund these.
Proposed: Cllr Kirk; Seconded: Cllr Britten-Crooks
8.00 Road renovations – Clensey/Doddington ongoing. Fenton update. This will be followed up with Cllr Alex Maughan when we meet him on Wednesday this week. However Cllr Taylor advised that we should vote on this motion and decide whether we are going to continue to follow this up as a team with LCC and Highways after Wednesday. A resident asked about the phases of repair planning. Phase 1 = the part that is ongoing now along from Littlegates to the bridge as well as the other end of Clensey Lane to the junction. Phase 2 is the part between the bridge and the junctions that is yet to be repaired. Phase 3, the last, is Doddington Lane. There is a notice of these on the noticeboard.
Motion: To contact LCC and Highways regarding regular updates on the renovations to all three roads; Proposed: Cllr Kirk; Seconded: Cllr Britten-Crooks
9. Further progress made on the design and installation of a village sign – Cllr Britten-Crooks has started some artwork for the sign. Until we follow this up with funding we can’t take this any further. Still progress going on but no further to report.
10. Drainage – Fenton lane especially – quite a lot of discussion already. This will be more questions for Alex. Cllr Taylor suggested that as many residents as possible should report this on fixmystreet. Residents are encouraged to tell each other to do this to help solve the drainage problems that many will be experiencing. The Council will meanwhile post this onto the noticeboard and on the website as soon as we can.
Motion: To encourage residents via village email and website to file their requests for any issues with the roads and drainage on fixmystreet; Proposed: Cllr Watkins; Seconded: Cllr Britten-Crooks
11. Neighbourhood Plan update – this was raised last meeting by a resident. Cllr Penny Milnes has recently told me that she cannot attend this meeting but she has said that she will update the council as to the list of shortfalls compared to the Local Plan which is ongoing. Cllr Jackie Britten-Crooks said that updating the Neighbourhood Plan at the moment would not be sensible because government policy is altering the way planning allocation and decisions are made. We have no idea at the moment whether or how the Neighbourhood Plans would need changing to fit these. We know it’s out of date and something needs doing, but until we know, we can’t make well judged decisions. There is possibly going to be SKDC funding for the change when the Neighbourhood Plan should be in accord with the Local Plan but the Local Plan is also being revised at the moment while it’s waiting for government decisions. All decisions start with the move from central government so no more to report until the legislation in the new year - but this could be longer.
Date and time of next meeting as agreed previously – 7.00pm 16th December 2024
Report from District Councillor Penny Milnes
• A Parish Forum was held 5 September for parish clerks and councillors to meet the senior staff and network. 21 people attended including June Hutchinson, Chair of Fulbeck PC who found it very interesting and informative.
• The Shoot. Recently the Planning Inspector in charge of the Enforcement Appeal ruled that the Enforcement Notice as served is a legal nullity. Further legal advice is being sought as to the next step.
• NPPF review by the new government. A consultation is ongoing with a result expected by Christmas:
Housing: SK potentially will need to find extra allocations in the ongoing Local Plan review for another 200 homes per annum which is deemed significant. A time dispensation to do the work could delay submission until June 2026. In the interim, potential developments will be considered on a submission basis under policies in the current Local Plan, with the need for housing paramount and any additional NPPF considerations. See Appendix.
Commercial solar farms and onshore wind farms would be encouraged.
10% Biodiversity Net Gain is now required by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021 for development (became mandatory from 12 February this year). This can be offset by developers buying units off site if necessary. Cascade of preference is on site first/off site/statutory grants from Govt.
Interestingly, there is a site called Boothby Wildland being commercially developed where units can be purchased by developers. This could keep the biodiversity in South Kesteven….…it will create 64 hectares of woodland/grassland/meadow/ponds within land between Boothby Pagnell and south of Bitchfield. You can find details on Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s website. SKDC are obliged to monitor the sites, and the planning committee agreed S106 terms for £35,000 for an initial monitoring fee which can be increased with time. The monitoring need is for 30 years.
• Digging Market Garden at Fulbeck Manor was very successful. A few days of archeological digging in the grounds resulted in several finds. There was an excellent lecture about the Airbourne forces in Fulbeck and the District which was very well attended.
The event saw the announcement that £147,550 has been awarded to SKDC from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to enable the ongoing creation of SK’s Airbourne Forces Heritage Trail ‘Soldiers from the Sky’.
• Market Square refurbishment to create a level space for community events was delayed a month due to supply problems with the setts – but is now complete. Station Road design improvements have begun to enable a welcoming and easier access into the town.
These projects were awarded as part of the previous governments High Street Fund and Heritage Fund which began pre pandemic. Now urgent to finalise due to Government grant conditions.
SKDC and LCC are working together to expedite the works and mitigate the impact.
SK are also planning a series of events to bring people to the refurbished Market Place, beginning with a celebration of Lincolnshire Day on 1st October.
• Battery Collections started Monday 16 September. Place batteries/vapes in clear, clean plastic bag tied on any bin.
Community Orchard funding reminder - deadline for applications is 27 September, with funds available from South Kesteven District Council thanks to the Coronation Living Heritage fund marking the accession of King Charles lll.
• Use of social media: Do you have use of social media guidance for Councillors?
Appendix; Site Allocation
SK select the most ‘preferred sites’ for housing. The current minimum need is 14,200 until 2041 = 701 homes p.a (plus the new uptick in numbers of around 200 p.a – considered a significant number)
Allocations rely on ‘Call for Land’ plus original sites to carry forward = healthy variety of around 289 sites, mostly around Grantham, Bourne, Stamford, The Deepings and larger villages. There are none at the moment in this ward.
All settlements have to play a role, although there will be no allocations in the smaller villages – Stubton, Fulbeck, Hough; nor in the Open Countryside – Gelston, Brandon, Fenton.
However, they remain open to windfall applications determined under the prevailing NPPF, Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan where it is up to date.
Sites are selected considering infrastructure delivery, historic environment, nature etc using a traffic light system.
Originally there were no sites put forward for Gypsy and Traveller sites despite the necessity to allocate sufficient land for their needs. I understand there are now 3 sites under consideration.
NB: Infrastructure Delivery Plan includes:
Transport, Education, Healthcare, Open Space, Ambulance, Police, Fire, Utilities, Flood defences and Sustainable Drainage.