March 2024 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council 7.00 Wednesday 20th March 2024

Council Members in Attendance: Geoffrey Dorrity [Chair]; Zoe J North [Vice Chair and Acting Clerk]; Jenny Taylor [Councillor]

Public in Attendance: 11 


[Statement from the chair] 

Special thanks are extended to the residents who have participated in the care of the village, including planting, litter picking, and general upkeep.

Open Forum

Parishioners are invited to raise issues during a 15-minute conversation period with the Parish Council. Please note that decisions on issues raised during this period may not be made however the parish council endeavour to table them for addressing at a future meeting. [This does not form part of the formal Parish Council Meeting]

A resident expressed concern regarding the design of the village sign, noting a discrepancy between the current design and the outcomes of  a village survey run by a previous council in 2022. Estimates indicate that a laser-cut sign would incur costs ranging from £5,000 to £8,000, exclusive of installation expenses, whereas a pedestal sign would cost £1,950 with an additional £400 for installation. Queries have arisen regarding funding for this endeavour as the final round of applications to the Prosperity Fund opens in April 2024.


Cllr P Milnes Provided updates throughout the meeting on matters concerning the parish.


Unfortunately, Cllr A Maughan could not be in attendance for this meeting. 

Opening of Formal Parish Council Meeting 

1.0    Apologies for Absence

Councillor T. England was unable to attend due to complications related to travel arrangements. Councillor A. Maughan was unable to attend due to a pre-existing commitment.

2.0 Conflicts None to declare. 

2.1 Disclosures of Interest None to declare.

3.0 Minutes of Last Meetings 

Motion: To adopt the draft minutes as a true record of the previous meeting of 29th January 2024; Motion Seconded by Cllr Taylor

4.0 Clerk’s report on any matters outstanding

No matters currently outstanding. 

4.1 Election for vacancy

No requests for an election were received by SKDC by the published deadline; instead, councillors have reached a consensus to release an advertisement for co-option. Interested individuals are invited to apply for co-option onto the council through the clerk. A motion for co-option onto the council was proposed by the chair and seconded by vice chair and acting clerk Zoe J. North and Councillor Taylor, respectively.

5.0 Finance 

5.1 Finance Report for info . 

Indicative Budget 2024/25

Contingency                                     £3000

Estimated Commitments

Flagpole maintenance £39.82 (from original £55)   
Planting    £242 (from original budget of £300)
Green Bins for Church  £100
Asset Maintenance £200
Insurance      £300
Membership LALC   £85.56 
Clerk £1000 
Web management  5 Hours                £90+VAT=£108

Total  = £5075.68


carry over £4291.77
Precept     £1540

Total                          £5831.77

Less commitments £5075.68

Remaining uncommitted budget  £756.09

Stubton Parish Council Finance Statement March 2024

Date issued & Payee

Cheque No.


Decision ref


Start balance



As per AGAR 22/23


Precept 23/24










12/04/23 LALC



Membership agreed at Annual Meeting


12/04/23            G Dorrity



Church green bins as per maintenance plan



M. Stammers



Preservative for benches as per maintenance plan



Zurich Municipal



Insurance renewal Legal requirement



Payment In








Recharge of uncontested election costs legal requirement



G Dorrity for reimbursement of  M Libby



Bulbs for village as agreed in Sept minutes

To be taken from planting budget



G Dorrity




Replacement poppies agreed by email


15/11/23            G Dorrity for reimbursement to M Davies




New slider for HRH Kings Birthday

To be taken from flagpole maintenance budget



G Dorrity for re imbursement of G Senior for purchase of tree



Tree donation agreed July



G Dorrity for payment of Fullbore UK invoice



Drain clearance Fullbore UK emergency agreement by email



Donation SS





Donation SS





Donation SS





Donation for memorial tree





Community Fund 75% Grant





3x Donation SS





Sign purchase



As per minutes Nov meeting



Donation SS





Donation SS





Donation SS





Additional strappings Stocksigns


Agreed by email


5.2 Bank accounts 

The chair proposed the closure of the Good Neighbours and business accounts. Additionally, there was a suggestion to open a savings account offering favourable interest rates for the contingency funds, thus generating additional income. A motion was put forth to open the savings account, which was seconded by Councillor Taylor.

5.3 Recontracting with LALC and WMS – It was agreed by those councillors present to recontract with LALC and WMS for the coming year and to use money from this years budget to pay. 

5.4 The AGAR forms had arrived for end of year completion. It was agreed that the exemption certificate should be completed and sent back to the external auditors

Motion: The chair put forward that the finance report be accepted; this was accepted by vice chair and acting clerk Zoe J. North. 

6.0 Clerking arrangements update for information.

No information to declare, no one has come forward. 

7.0 Review of Ukrainian flag flying 

The current protocol remains consistent with the agreement established last year following the preceding village survey, with provisions for annual review. The chair emphasized the statement made by the Prime Minister in 2024, that British citizens continue displaying the Ukrainian flag as a symbol of solidarity. Councillor Taylor concurred with the sentiment that the flag should continue to fly. Furthermore, the chair noted that the majority of respondents in the previous survey expressed a desire to maintain the flag's display. Nevertheless, given the existence of opposing viewpoints among a small minority of residents in attendance, it was proposed that a new survey be conducted on this matter.

8.0 Local Plan Consultation

Public engagement events and informational updates have been disseminated via the parish website, with the next scheduled event set for the 11th of April. This event will also be accessible for viewing on YouTube. Stubton maintains its classification within the Smaller Villages category.

The council intends to consider small, sensitive infill developments as a means to foster sustainable communities. Developments situated on the periphery of the settlement will be evaluated based on their alignment with community support or their contribution to local affordable housing initiatives. The council is inclined to support small-scale developments provided they do not compromise the village's character or have adverse effects on neighbouring properties.

During deliberations, Penny Milnes raised concerns regarding the absence of allocated traveller sites, which may leave villages susceptible to challenges However, the plan states sites for travellers will only be allocated where there are services nearby. 

Cllr Milnes also highlighted the proliferation of large-scale solar farm applications across Lincolnshire, suggesting that a comprehensive community perspective be adopted concerning the wider parish. 

RE1in the plan states: 

Renewable Energy Generation

Proposals for renewable energy generation will be supported subject to meeting

the detailed criteria as set out in the accompanying Renewable Energy document

(currently an Appendix of the adopted Local Plan) and provided that:

a. The proposal does not negatively impact the district’s agricultural Land asset.

b. The proposal can demonstrate the support of affected local communities.

c. The proposal includes details for the transmission of power produced.

d. The proposal details that all apparatus related to renewable energy production

will be removed from the site when power production ceases; and

e. That the proposal complies with any other relevant Local Plan policies and

national planning policy.

Additionally, Cllr Milnes emphasized that affordable homes are designated for individuals on the housing register rather than for existing residents or families. While the prospect of an affordable housing development within the village is unlikely, she underscored the importance of considering this matter within the broader context of community welfare.

9.0 Update & Progress on residents’ priorities

9.1 Speed sign update

The sign has been erected, and a total of nine individuals have volunteered for its management. The initial cohort of sign volunteers is invited to step forward to undergo training on the proper procedures for moving the signs. It has been proposed that the sign be relocated every six weeks; however, the frequency of relocation will be subject to further discussion once its efficacy has been evaluated.

9.2 Village sign update 

This matter was deliberated upon during the open forum and subsequently the proposal for a lectern style sign was withdrawn. As noted from the open forum a village survey run by a previous council indicated that there was a preference at that time for a standard pole laser cut metal sign. However, a secondary survey will be conducted within the village, coinciding with the flag-flying questionnaire, to solicit a collective response from villagers before any further actions are undertaken. The final round of applications to the Prosperity Fund opens in April 2024.

9.3 Footpaths 

No further correspondence has been received regarding the repair of the old coach road. It is noted that despite the permissive footpaths being labelled as closed, they are accessible to the public. Dysons has confirmed that they will promptly update the signage accordingly.

10. Correspondence

Regarding the Kart Track, it was noted that preparations are underway for holding world championships in September, so there may be additional traffic around the village. Additionally, there are plans in progress to transition to electric karts in the coming years, which is expected to significantly reduce noise levels.

Concerning the Brandon Wood Clay Pigeon Shooting appeal; The PC was unable to hold a quorate meeting before the closing date and therefore relevant information has been uploaded to the website and displayed in the bus shelter ahead of the March 18th closing date. While some residents have received letters regarding the planning application for a 150-day shooting event, others have not. There exists a longstanding history of noise complaints from surrounding villages in relation to this activity. It was mentioned that planning permission for the shooting range dates back historically, with the most recent application being in 2020, which was refused due to concerns over noise management and its impact on local residents. 

The issue of Park Cottage Planning was also addressed during the meeting. Comments made during the initial consideration have been addressed and further developed. Considering these betterments a motion was proposed by the chair to support the application, and this was seconded by Cllr Taylor.

The Recycling Team would be invited to the next meeting to address questions, queries, and concerns regarding waste management. 

11. Date and time of next meetings:

Wednesday 10th April 7.00 Village Hall: The Annual Parish Meeting
Thursday 9th May 7.00 Village Hall:  Annual Meeting of the Parish Council